David Chappell


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Introducing Indigo  
# Sunday, February 13, 2005
Creating a service-oriented world requires technologies specifically designed to build service-oriented applications. For native Windows software, the foundation technology for service-oriented apps will be Indigo. To help people understand this new world, I've written a Microsoft-sponsored white paper called Introducing Indigo: An Early Look. The paper's goal is to provide a broad audience, including developers, architects, and technical decision makers, with an overview of what Indigo is and how it works. Published last week, the paper is available here.

If you're new to this topic, think of Indigo as rolling the functionality of ASP.NET web services (aka ASMX), .NET Remoting, Enterprise Services, Web Services Enhancements (WSE), and most of Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) into a single technology, one that's completely based on SOAP. If you're Java-oriented, imagine combining JAX-RPC, RMI, EJB, and JMS into one coherent platform for building distributed applications. (The Java world probably won't do this, but the analogy still holds.) Whichever camp you're in, if you care about distributed computing, Indigo is big news.

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