David Chappell


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Providing Single Sign-On to Amazon EC2 Applications from an On-Premises Windows Domain  
# Monday, January 11, 2010
Cloud platforms bring new challenges for handling identity. One important example of this is the need to give users in an on-premises Windows domain single sign-on to applications running in Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). If we want to make cloud platforms a natural extension of our on-premises world--and we absolutely do--solving this problem is important.

Fortunately, there are a few different ways to do this. I've written a short white paper, jointly sponsored by Amazon and Microsoft, that gives an architectural overview of today's options. The paper won't walk you through the details of how to implement a solution, but it will give you a sense of what the options are.

Cloud platforms are quickly becoming part of our world. Anybody thinking about identity issues today who's not considering the cloud is missing something big.

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