David Chappell


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Good Books  
# Wednesday, July 01, 2009
In the last few months, I’ve run across lots of good technical books. Here are a few of my favorites:

- RESTful .NET, by Jon Flanders. Like most former SOAPafarians, I’ve come to be a big believer in the value of REST. SOAP still has value, but a RESTful approach is better in plenty of situations. Microsoft’s WCF added explicit REST support a while ago, and Jon’s book is the best introduction I’ve seen to building RESTful services in .NET. Full disclosure: I wrote the foreword to this book, and I was really happy to do it. Jon is just great at what he does.

- Programming Entity Framework, by Julia Lerman. Any technology that attempts to provide an object/relational mapping seems to attract controversy, and the ADO.NET Entity Framework is no exception. Whatever your view of the technology, though, you need to get this book if you care at all about the area. Julie provides a very coherent high-level description, along with as much detail (nearly 800 pages) as you’re ever likely to need.

- Microsoft.NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise, by Dino Esposito and Andrea Saltarello. Anybody who is or aspires to be a .NET architect should buy and read this book, right now. To my knowledge, there’s nothing else like it available, and it fills a gaping hole in the .NET world.

- 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know, edited by Richard Monson-Haefel. I have an embarrassing fondness for books that are full of short, independent essays, especially when they’re on a topic I deeply care about. This book, written by dozens of different people, is a collection of maxims with supporting descriptions on the general theme of software architecture. Like me, you’ll probably disagree with many of them, but hey—that’s half the fun of reading a book like this.

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